菲律賓水產罐廠概況 菲律賓最大鮪魚出口商RD集團砸下4,500萬美元擴充鮪罐事業,包括投資1,500萬美元提升在山度士城(General Santos)每日約生產140至200公噸之半加工品與鮪罐廠的生產設備。RD為歐洲、美國、日本等自有廠牌代工,並已將事業拓展至PNG與印尼等國。租屋網RD約占菲國鮪罐出口的三成,每日平均裝運鮪罐量約14個貨櫃。 在另一方面,菲國民答那峨島(Mindanao)漁業與製罐廠要求政府盡速通過民答那峨島經濟發展處(MEDA)法案。漁業公會與產業聯盟之SOCSKSARGEN聯邦主席表示,法案一旦通過,MEDA不僅是民答那峨島永保秩序與發辦公室出租展成果的常設性組織,也將成為民答那峨島發展區域內所有鮪魚業的保護組織。身為民答那峨島出口業龍頭之一的SOCSKSARGEN鮪漁業,在山度士城的六大鮪罐廠提供約120,000個工作機會,支配整個國家大部分的鮪魚生產業,並貢獻國家約4%國內生產毛額(GDP)。而沙丁魚業在三寶西裝顏市(Zamboanga)的12家罐頭廠也提供約30,000個家庭工作機會。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, NO. 2/2010)Philippines: RD Group, the biggest tuna exporter in the Philippines is investing US$45 million to expand its tuna canningoperation. This includes 禮服US$15 million to increase the output of its semi-processed and canned-tuna manufacturing facility inGeneral Santos from 140 MT to 200 MT per day. RD supplies canned tuna for private labels in Europe, the US and Japan, andhas expanded its 新成屋operations in Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. RD accounts for around 30% of the country’s canned tunaexports and ships an average of 14 containers per day.Philippines: Mindanao’s fishing and canning industry has urged the government for the 小型辦公室speedy approval of the MindanaoEconomy Development Authority (MEDA) Bill. The MEDA will become a permanent agency that will ensure the continuity ofpeace and development efforts in Mindanao. With the passing of the bill, a permanent body for 酒店工作Mindanao development will beput in place, said the president of the SOCSKSARGEN Federation of Fishing Associations and Alliance Industries, an umbrellaorganization of all the tuna industries in the area. SOCSKSARGEN’s tuna industry, where six big 九份民宿tuna canneries are locatedparticularly in General Santos, provides about 120 000 jobs and accounts for the majority of the tuna production in the country.Being one of the top exports of Mindanao, it contributed approximately 4% of the country’s 西服Gross Domestic Product.Meanwhile, the sardine industry provides employment to approximately 30 000 families in Zamboanga city, which hosts 12sardine canneries.
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